My business model is simple - take the hard stuff off your plate so your business can shine!

Get more productive, reduce your stress and level up your business.

You’ve tried to do your own bookkeeping before. You were off to a great start - but then your business started to grow! Keeping up with #allthethings just became so overwhelming.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You’re constantly saying “Sh*t! I forgot to pay the subcontractor!”

  • You’re last minute getting paperwork to your CPA.

  • You feel like you have no idea whether your business is growing or if you’re even making any money.

  • You’re frequently thinking “Ok. I WILL get to that stack of receipts tomorrow!” Only to push it to the side for another day….again…

Imagine what it would feel like if you knew exactly how much money your business was making everyday, what projects are wasting funds and whats bringing in the moolah!

What if I told you that you could…

  • Work on growing your business strategically.

  • See exactly what work is paying off and what isn’t.

  • Free up mental space!

  • Have your files ready early for tax season with no stress!

  • Streamline workflows and save SO much time!

  • Finally get peace of mind knowing how your business is performing.

  • Free up hours of your time per week


I know there is no shortage of bookkeepers out there who could help you grow your firm. I know you have a choice of who you want to work with and I'd be honored to help you grow your design firm.

I also know what it's like to start your own business, while trying to juggle the responsibilities of managing a family. 

I'm a mom to the cutie on the right. I get wanting to be present for all the school functions and also wanting to have a passion and fulfill a dream of your own.

For the last 11 years, I've been working alongside companies through bookkeeping to help them grow their businesses and now I work exclusively with designers.

I'm a mission to help 100 design firms keep the cashflow in check and recession proof their business.


What I can do for you


Tired of having endless nights of thinking about getting caught up on your bookkeeping? I’m your girl!


Need to pay subcontractors or employees? Let’s take that off your plate so you can focus on your business!


Everybody loves to hate sales tax! But it has to be done. Let’s keep your books accurate and organized so you don’t have to pay more than you need.


Based on your up-to-date information, we can find the areas that need your attention to make more money. It’s time to take your business to the next level.


"We have known Kathryn for over 15 years, and she has been our bookkeeper since starting [The Designer’s CFO]. She is responsive, knowledgeable, and trustworthy- and has streamlined our bookkeeping and helped us better utilize QuickBooks. We are very glad to call her part of our team, and recommend her without reservation."

- Andrew G. | Sparkman & Associates Architects, Inc.


  • You're not accomplishing your big goals…goals…what goals?

  • You have a 14,324 unread emails, all receipts, that all need POs and your purse is overflowing

  • You’re contractors are wanting paid and you can’t remember if the client paid their invoice…or if you even sent it

  • You're feeling like you don’t have enough time in the day

  • You loathe the idea of trying to learn another program, ain’t nobody got time for that!

  • You hate taxes and everything related…let’s not even talk about sales tax. Silenzio, Bruno!


  • You’ve got goals and an action plan to reach them

  • Inbox Zero for the win! You know exactly how much is in your bank account each day

  • Your customers are paying invoices on time and your contractors aren’t complaining

  • You have time to focus on new projects and get creative

  • You didn’t have to learn a new software, because outsourcing…

  • You're ready for tax season

  • Your systems are working like a well oiled machine

  • You have confidence to make good business decisions


The Start-Up Plan

Designed for the sole-practicing firms.

“I’m so overwhelmed and don’t have the time or desire to do the essential bookkeeping…”

The Growth Plan

Designed for the sole practitioners to small firms ready to make the jump to grow strategically.

“I just want to make sure all the things are getting done and done right…”

The CFO Plan

Designed for the small to medium sized firm who are ready to outsource all their bookkeeping and CFO services.

“My time is better served doing other things in my firm, I need to have an expert do what they do best…”

Don’t see a package that fit your business? No worries, I got you! Let’s hop on a zoom and we can work out a custom package just for you!

  • Monthly record keeping

    Monthly Financials

    Quarterly financial strategy meeting

  • Starting at $500

  • Bi-Weekly record keeping

    Monthly Financials

    Monthly financial strategy meeting

    Customized Accounts

    Invoicing & Purchase Orders

  • Starting at $800

  • Bi-Weekly record keeping

    Monthly Financials

    Monthly financial strategy meeting

    Customized Accounts

    CFO level guidance

    Invoicing & Purchase Orders

    Sales Tax Filing


  • Starting at $2500