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Business Tips Kathryn O'Neil Business Tips Kathryn O'Neil

How Far Back Can the IRS Audit?

The IRS generally includes returns filed within the past three years in an audit. However, if the IRS discovers a significant error during the audit process, it may audit additional prior years. It is rare for the IRS to go back more than six years in an audit.

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Business Tips 23&9 Creative Business Tips 23&9 Creative

How to Minimize Overhead Costs

We are always looking for ways to help you cut down on expenses in order to maximize your profit. One of our favorite places to trim the fat is in overhead costs. Here are a few ways you can minimize your overhead costs without hurting your business.

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Business Tips 23&9 Creative Business Tips 23&9 Creative

How to Grow Your Business Savings

Have your business savings been stagnant? It can seem tough to grow your savings account when you have to pay bills and save for taxes. If you want to prioritize your savings, you’ll need a plan! Here’s how to grow your savings account in a sustainable, enjoyable way.

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