Don't Waste Money & Time With These Productivity Mistakes

When you become a business owner and CEO, your business depends on your own ability to be productive more than ever. And we all know, this is easier said than done! If you feel like you're being pulled in a million different directions and as if there is never enough time in a day or a week to accomplish everything you need and want to accomplish, then it's possible you need to work on your CEO task management skills.

1. Emails and Other Communication Interruptions. Checking emails or other forms of communication (including social media!) can be a HUGE distraction. Distraction leaves us feeling exhausted and like we aren’t accomplishing anything, despite the fact that we’re always busy. You can not fully unleash your genius in the three-minute increments you have between distractions.

2. Unproductive Meetings. Meetings are some of the most expensive things any business can ever do – especially if they are not productive meetings. So, it's important that you spend time in meetings being productive. Come prepared, make sure your employees who are attending the meeting are prepared.

3. Neglected Health and Wellbeing. As CEO, remember that the oxygen mask rule applies to you every day. You need to take care of yourself before anything else. Although prioritizing self-care might sound selfish, putting yourself first is the best way to care for everything else.

4. Trying to Do It All. As your business grows, it's essential that you identify jobs that you can delegate and then create processes that work for you and your employees. If you're always focused on the work of the business, then you won't have time to work on the bigger-picture strategy end of your business – and that's what's absolutely necessary for generating greater profits, growth, and success.

When a CEO takes the time to improve their own productivity, they will not only improve their own daily life but the business and all of their employees will directly benefit, too.

If you find yourself spinning your wheels doing their bookkeeping while managing everything else in your business, partner with us. We'll help free up time so you can focus on growing the business instead of managing day-to-day financial matters.


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