The Designer's CFO

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5 Bad Money Habits to Stop If You Want to Attract Abundance

Who doesn’t want more money?

For business owners, it’s safe to say that we wouldn’t mind a little extra in the bank. But how do you go about attracting the abundance you desire? Here are five money habits you should drop if you want to attract abundance.

Tip 1: Ignoring your finances. Check your bank accounts every day. You don’t have to do a deep dive, but make sure you always know how much money you have in each account. That way, you can rest easy, knowing your balance. Plus, when you keep money top-of-mind, you’re more likely to attract opportunities to make more of it.

Tip 2: Doing free work. Get protective with your time! Make sure you’re billing for all client work, and raise your prices to reflect your current skill level. And the next time an old high school classmate asks to “pick your brain” over coffee, charge a consulting fee.

Tip 3: Not spending according to your values. Before you make a purchase, really sit with it. Consider what that purchase might add to your life, be it joy, fulfillment, comfort, or ease. Just make sure you’re spending in accordance with your values, not anyone else’s.

Tip 4: Saving too much. Just like you should spend in accordance with your values, you should also save for the things that matter most to you. If you’re comfortable with three to six months' worth of expenses in your emergency savings, don’t feel pressured to scrimp and save way more than that. What matters most is that you’re saving for what you value.

Tip 5: Neglecting the practice of gratitude. Be grateful for every pretty penny that comes your way. If you make a microsale, celebrate it! If you sign a new client for your lowest-ticket offer, be just as grateful for them as you are for every other client. The more you practice gratitude, the more easily you’ll attract abundance.

Want to feel calm, cool, and confident when managing your money? Book a call with us today. We will help you with managing and maintaining your business finances with ease.

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